28.09.2024, 11:36 UTC+2

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The Patriots had agreed to turn over 317 pages of personnel records sought by the defense, including medical and training records. But the team objected to producing nine pages of scouting reports and a 1? page summary of a psychological assessment produced by an outside company.
Defense attorneys declined to comment outside court. The Patriots' attorney, Andrew Phelan, referred questions to team spokesman Stacey James,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, who said the team had no comment.
A trial date of Jan. 9 was also set for the murder case in which Hernandez is accused of shooting to death a semiprofessional football player.
The team wanted the defense to get the assessment from the company that wrote it,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, which provides character and mental assessments to professional sports organizations.
Phelan,China Jerseys, meanwhile, had accused Hernandez's attorneys of being on a "fishing expedition." He said the scouting reports contained trade secrets and were irrelevant to the case. He also said the Patriots had offered the defense the option of reviewing, but not copying, the psychological assessment summary.
The defense had called Hernandez's full team records necessary to prepare for trial, and said they may contain critical information about the former player's state of mind.
Hernandez, who is from Bristol, Connecticut, has pleaded not guilty, in a separate case,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, to the murder of two men in Boston in 2012. He's being held without bail.
Hernandez, 24, has pleaded not guilty to murder in the June 2013 killing of Odin Lloyd, a football player from Boston who had been dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee. Lloyd's bullet-riddled body was found in an industrial area not far from Hernandez's North Attleborough, Massachusetts, home.