28.09.2024, 17:34 UTC+2

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02.04.2014, 16:05

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, for whom many less-invasive options are not available...Given the importance of somatosensation, upper-limb neuroprostheseswill not be clinically relevant until they provide forsomatosensory inputs."Three macaques were first trained to respond in specific wayswhen they felt their hands touched in different locations -- theyhad to look left or right depending on whether their index orfourth fingers were being prodded. The tool doing the prodding isthe colourfully named triaxial indenting stimulator -- a survetement lacoste homme mechanicaldevice that allowed the team to hone in on a specific area of skinto micometer precision. This was important for the locationexperiments, where the team would attempt to replicate thesensation of a specific finger being touched in a specific place.To polo ralph lauren big pony do this, the hand was first mapped using a high precisionrangefinder, which allowed them to record and control the depth ofthe chemise ralph lauren pas cher indentation made.Once the subjects had mastered the finger prodding exercise, theelectrode arrays were implanted in their primary somatosensorycortex. This region was then mapped to see which areas werestimulated when either the index or fourth finger was touched. Themonkeys' arms were loosely secured with palms facing upwards --they were trained to hold their hands in this position so as toavoid any undue need to secure them in place constrictively. Theneural patterns were recorded, and when the electrodes werereversed and used to replicate that pattern the monkeys looked inthe correct direction according to chaussure lacoste pas cher which finger wastouched.The second experiment related to pressure. Again, the electrodesrecorded the neural patterns different degrees of pressureproduced. But this time, the reverasal process involved aprosthesis. An algorithm in the limb's microcomputer was used tocalculate the pressure exerted on different sensors, then this datawas translated into the appropriate electrical current to stimulatethe sensation of pressure. Each time, the monkeys reacted as thoughtheir real hands

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