28.09.2024, 23:23 UTC+2

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When desired, Many financial advisors don't recommend physical gold and silver they do not sell it. I have had many advisors call me and ask them to help their clients because their clients wanted to buy physical silver and gold and the advisor didn't offer it. They may recommend quasi investments in silver or gold like ETFs, But they have their own issues as so named "dollar" investment.
Before I turn the letter over to Jeff Burbank, I select to review our forwardlooking statement with you. subsequently by now, often used our third quarter press release.to save you time, A replay of this call will be for sale beginning tomorrow for one week by dialing 18882868010 with passcode 30934295. instead, The press release for the third quarter results and a recording of this call will be archived on our website under the Investor Relations section.I choose to remind you that statements we may make on this call, Which are not purely traditional,, Regarding their or our intentions, faith, Expectations and advise for the future are forwardlooking statements for purposes of the Safe Harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.These forwardlooking statements may include topics such as results of our operations, Growth of the property and more frequent hemodialysis market in general, Market adoption and demand for it One, The roll from PureFlow SL,bridestowe, Anticipated potential benefits to the Medisystems acquisition, Anticipated improvement in product quality and financial guidance for the future.Because such statement deal with future events, They are subject to various risks and concerns and actual results may differ materially from these forwardlooking statements.
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