28.09.2024, 21:26 UTC+2

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30.03.2018, 16:10


"They always tell me: 'I'm just looking forward and ready for you to play. I'm ready to see you out there,'" he said. "Everybody is ready to see me out there. I'm ready to see myself out there and performing and playing."
Though Clowney didn't play much last season, he was able to study and learn Romeo Crennel's defense. He feels like things are easier now that he's had a year to take in the intricacies of it. He tries not to listen to what outsiders have to say about him, but he knows there are questions about whether he'll be the same after such a major surgery.
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He had forgotten the exact date, but didn't need Tuesday's anniversary to reflect on the long and difficult path he's taken since then. Clowney had arthroscopic knee surgery after that first game and returned to play three other games. But he never felt right and eventually had season-ending microfracture surgery on the same knee.
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